Honey Products Honey Products


Honeydew Honey

Our honeydew honey comes from the pastoral area of Klenovica-Smokvica, from the field maple (lat. acer campestre), which is the species of maple after which Klenovica got its name. This dark forest honey (honeydew honey) helps people with anaemia, particularly those who lack iron. Full of taste and rich in minerals, it has a positive effect on the respiratory organs. It contains almost no honey made from flowers, and thus, it has no pollen in it.

Price: 14,90 €

Honeydew Honey


Savory Honey

Golden-yellow nectar honey with a reddish hue, exuding an exquisite aroma, is derived from the flowers of savory species (mountain savory, lat. Satureja subspicata; and coastal savory, lat. Satureja montana). These plants bloom in shades of purple and white from early August in the hills to October on the sea coast. The herb is exceptionally rich in essential oils, resulting in a honey that is both fragrant and pure. We leave a significant portion of savory's honey for the bees during the winter months. This honey is recommended for respiratory issues, rheumatism, and conditions affecting the urinary system and kidneys.

Price: 14,90 €

Savory Honey


Sage Honey

Sage honey is the most highly appreciated type of honey. Ours is made from coastal sage growing on rocky soil from which it absorbs its energy, while bees turn it into honey. Sage grows on the steep, bare, windswept slopes of Klenovica and Smokvica, which descend steeply into the Velebit channel. It is fried by the relentless summer sunshine. Sage means salutary. It heals hoarseness, cleanses the blood and strengthens nerves, heats the stomach, and helps cure all kinds of colds, catarrh, and the flu. Could there be a better reference than Hippocrates' saying: “How can a man die when he has sage in his garden?“

Price: 14,90 €


Mountain Pasture Honey

At the beginning of June, when the summer sun is warm enough to dry off the dew on the coastal plants, we move the bees up to the hills. This is up to a height of 800m above sea level, to the untamed natural haven that is offered by the forests and meadows. It is here, in the home of the brown bear where life buzzes with great vigour, that this irreplaceable elixir of raspberries, clover, lime, thyme, calamintha, dandelion, white horehound, wild carrots, and meadow sage is created.

We call it the honey of a thousand flowers, and we particularly recommend it for people who are exhausted due to stress because it increases mental strength and physical resistance.

Price: 14,90 €

Mountain Pasture Honey


Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal
Special Award